
WHAT UP!! 🥁BEATHEADS!🥁 Gonna be uploading my first beat tape in just a day or two. I'm pleased to present "INZTROW VOL.1" I. Since this is my first beat tape release I look forward to any hear what you think.


The content of this project is a collection of 7 recently produced tracks. Ranging from hip-hop, chill to soulful and groove music. The first track is a remix I did for a group called Vulfpeck. The song is called "Birds of a feather" (RnB soul & Soul ) original version you can find here.

🎶 🎛️  The rest that appears on the playlist is all instrumental. Gonna upload INZTROWVOL.1 to SoundCloud and Bandcamp in the following days.So you may download or stream (your preference). Stay connected. ✌️🙏

P L A Y L I S T :

  1. Birds of a feather (Vulfpeck remix)
  2. Love you (DILLA tribute)
  3. Funky
  4. Clap Clap
  5. Savage Jazz
  6. Bubble boxin'
  7. Outro

* BACK AND FRONT (digital covers)

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